As part of our continued partnership with The University of Bradford, we tasked the new Msc Marketing Communication students to create a marketing campaign to our specific brief.
The students have worked on the brief this semester, including a site visit and briefing secessions, culminating in the presentation of their own strategy and ideas delivered in the Norcroft Auditorium at the University.
Donia Waseem, Lecturer in Marketing commented, “We have been delighted to work with TF Automation and the students gained an in-depth understanding of applying theory to a real-world case study.”
Tony Hubbert, MD at TF Automation added, “We have worked with the University over a number of years on various initiatives from summer placements to internships, but this was a new project for us. We thought it was important for the students to be able to work on a real brief that will form part of our marketing communication plan for 2020. The students all really understood the brief and presented back some very interesting and enlightening ideas, in a professional and engaging way.
We would like to thank them for all their hard work and wish them well for the future.”